La Maldita not long ago Garnacha was still loved and idolized all over the wine world. He resisted diseases before which others succumbed and was the basis of the most popular and appreciated wine. The queen of the varieties.

Her difficulties of cultivation and elaboration led her to yield to the Tempranillo’s push. Many of the Garnacha vineyards were uprooted losing more than 50% of their acreage in a few years. From his glory came the tragedy. Today, after many years apart and hidden, it returns full of meaning perhaps to be accountable to the past. She’s still generous … But she does not forget.

Until half a century ago Garnacha was the second most important grape variety in rioja. Known as La Maldita because of the difficulty in producing high quality wines with them, and because of their low yields and low yields for the winegrower, it gradually fell into oblivion.

Only a few thousand hectares remain from that patrimony. Old vineyards, secluded, hidden in rocky terrain of difficult access, high altitude and complicated to work. But it is a living heritage that viñedos la maldita tries to rescue in areas where still today its spirit struggles to recover its fullness.

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